Rooted in Service.

It all begins with a choice. A choice that holds the power to transform your entire existence. It’s time for you to feel satisfied and excited about your life. I want to help you find joy and live with intention and purpose. My job as a wellness coach is to empower you with my tools and resources to begin your whole body health journey. Together, we will take a look at your current routines and incorporate small sustainable changes that become part of your lifestyle. You can live a healthy life that feels right for you! I’m here to guide you without judgement using a multidimensional approach to health. Let’s connect!

Rooted in Connection.

All of my services begin with a Rooted in Connection session first. This allows you time to review my services below, get connected to the one you feel most aligned with, and offers an opportunity for us to connect to ensure you are set for success along your well-being journey.

Health and Wellness Coach

Rooted in Self Care.

A whole body approach to your relationship with yourself. In our sessions, we'll assess your food habits & routines to identify areas for improvement. We'll review your health history & analyze your 5-Day Food for immediate action. I'll provide recommendations to jumpstart your journey to becoming the best version of yourself by creating together 3 achievable health goals.

Duration | 1 hour session + follow-up session to track your progress.
Frequency | As needed.

Self Care

Rooted in Intolerance.

You have received your test results and discovered a list of intolerances to avoid. Don't fear starving through Rooted in Intolerance I provide the perfect support system during this dietary adjustment. I understand the challenges you may face, and I'll help you find delicious alternatives that avoid common intolerances and allergens. Together, we'll create appetizing meals that cater to your needs.

Duration | Reocurring for as long as you need.
Frequency | 2 Sessions per month.

Food Intolerances

Rooted in Transformation.

I will help you simplify living in joy. Strip away things that clutter your joy. Slow down, be intentional, avoid over-scheduling, connect with nature, buy and cook with confidence, move every day, and take pride in self-care. Wellness goes beyond food; it's about what and who you surround yourself with. Together, let's ground your roots, align your goals, and create an action plan for a joy-filled life.

Duration | 4 Month Package
Frequency | 2 Sessions per month

Transform Your Wellness
  • Tracy is my go to person! My favorite resource for everything wellness, my voice of reason when I need advice and the one person who completely gets me! Because of her big heart, she often goes out of her way to make things easier on others even when it makes it more difficult for her. With that being said, she knows her limits and is good about setting boundaries to protect her own well-being.

    Rooted in Love

  • Tracy is independent, honest, and positive. She makes the best of all situations in life; loves life and is adventurous. By researching and suggestions; (but never being pushy)... Tracy leaves it to you to be the best you can be. She is a light in my life!

    Rooted in Love

  • Tracy is dedicated to her health and what she puts in her body. She takes time to sit back and observe what's going on and to take things in.

    Rooted in Love

  • Tracy is passionate about her well-being and the well-being of others. She is free spirited, strong and committed to the people in her circle. Tracy is special because of her ability to make her own path and never to let the outside manipulate her direction.

    Rooted in Love

  • Tracy is easy-going, easy to talk to, and very knowledgeable about what makes our bodies tick! She knows all about what foods to eat and what not to. Tracy also knows how to distress life in simple ways we all know but society has made us all forget.

    Rooted in Love

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