My Inner Willow Tree


I have always had a passion for knowing where I came from.  My childhood was unstable but no matter what was happening around me I could always look for the good. I remained determined to not just survive but to thrive.

I married my high school sweetheart at the age of 21. We have 2 children who are 16 and 13.  When I became pregnant with my daughter I went to get my prenatal vitamins, and I could not believe the side effects! A coworker had heard me venting and she introduced me to Shaklee.  I got all of my prenatals from her and switched out all of my cleaning and laundry products. I had a healthy pregnancy, a healthy all-natural birth, and the healthiest umbilical cord the doctors had seen in a while. This proved what I was doing was for the very best.  

Becoming a mother opened my eyes to just how much it matters about what we are putting into our bodies. I began to buy as much organic as I could afford as a new mom, and watch what kind of foods I brought into my home. I really fell in love with everything about nutrition. After having my second child a friend of mine asked me to do a 5K. I laughed. I NEVER imagined that I would run, for FUN! I fell in love with running and have ran several 5K runs and even ran my first half marathon in 2019.


I began to notice the amount of natural energy I had and it felt so good. I ran an in-home daycare by day, raising my two kids, plus working the evenings as a cosmetologist. I needed all the energy I could get, so it became a priority for me to be healthy and not just for me to be around to raise them but to also be an example.

Fast forward to 2017. I was still watching children in my home and my two children were in 6th and 3rd grade. I decided to invest nap time into working out when I lost 35 lbs by exercising and eating healthy food. I felt great! The only thing that I still couldn’t shake was my eczema, I would itch so badly on my chest that I would bleed at times and I would have moments of looking 6 months pregnant after eating. This is when I decided to sign up for my first Nutrition Certification course online. I loved all the knowledge I gained, so I signed up for 2 more. I also decided to go see a holistic doctor because I felt I had food intolerances. The results showed I was high candida, and was intolerant to dairy, sesame seed, and eggs. I was so nervous to do the candida protocol because that meant no dairy, eggs, alcohol, sugar, grains, or fruit. This led me to focus on the foods I could eat, instead of feeling sorry for myself for the things I couldn’t. I can’t even explain the difference in my body. I also have tested for Mycotoxins which were extremely high and I’m currently finishing up healing. I have healed many of my symptoms and I am confident in saying that you will never regret investing in your health.


There’s lots more I could share! All this leads me to where I am today. That is why I am creating Rooted Willow Collective so that I can share my passion with you. Rooted Willow Collective is about finding your true self in this world. 

Who do you want to be?

What kind of lifestyle do you want to live?

Are you ready to listen to what your body is telling you?

From my experience, navigating a new healthy lifestyle can feel overwhelming, scary, and very isolating. I want to be your space of non-judgemental support on your health journey.

I invite you to check out my variety of services if you feel pulled to work with me.


Rooted in Love


Rooted in Change