Rooted in Consistency

I have learned the key to positive outcomes in any situation is consistency. If you make even the tiniest of changes and are consistent with it you will see huge results. That has been my experience anyway. Raising my kids with consistency whether it be in love, food, vitamins, socializing or discipline has been beneficial. I am far from perfect and knowing that has kept me focused on continuing to learn and grow along this journey of parenthood.

My daughter grew up so healthy that when it came to having another child I did the same Shaklee vitamin regimen, and was still continuing to learn about the impacts our food has on our health.

I was so in tune with my body I knew a couple days after conception that I was pregnant. I told Ron and he thought I was crazy but I just knew. Sure enough after waiting another 2 weeks to take a pregnancy test it revealed I was in fact pregnant with our second child.

My pregnancy was great! I actually loved being pregnant with my kids. The feeling is unexplainable. There’s no way to understand what it’s like unless you experience it yourself. I woke up on July 8, 2010 at 6am knowing that our son was coming today. I felt off and it was his actual due date. I showered and prepped for the day. Contractions began and I headed to the hospital. Easton Douglas Herring was born at 7:17pm weighing 9lbs 3 oz. He was a healthy baby boy. I again had no drugs and was able to breastfeed right away. I ate and people came to meet him. I am so fortunate for such healthy pregnancies and babies. I know that’s not the case for everyone and I’m so grateful.

Both of my children grew up healthy. Slept great, No ear infections, and barely got sick. I devoted so much to ensuring they had the essential vitamins, minimal sugar and healthy meals and snacks. I never gave them Tylenol or any medications. I knew that fevers were the body’s way of fighting off any virus they would come across. This has given them their strong immune systems. To this day they don’t get anything for fevers or when they get ill. Rest, liquids and vitamins are the regimen.

My experience as a parent has taught me to always just go with your gut. I’m able to do this and trust it because I also take care of myself. I listen to my body. I make sure I’m getting rest, nature, exercise, nutrient foods and laughter daily. I also control what I see. I think it’s important to be careful with having the news on daily and what comes into our social media feeds. You do have control over all this. I have never been a fan of the news and didn’t want it on for my kids to see either. It was important for me to also be mindful of what they were watching as that also impacts our health greatly.

Our minds are organs of evaluation. We are constantly deciding what we like and what we don’t like. What we want to avoid, and what we want to seek out. I believe the news can manipulate people to think one way about the world we live in.

If you want the world to change or to make an impact, start in your own home. We want to believe that we are meant to do such grand gestures and make this huge impact on those all around us that we can forget that the people that matter most are within our 4 walls. Start there.


Rooted in Disconnect


Rooted in Motherhood