Rooted in Disconnect

Every day we are flooded with tons of information. There’s no wonder anymore. We seem to not be able to move on in a conversation, much less go to bed without looking up the answer to something we don’t know. Every question we have can be answered by just saying, “Hey Google or hey Siri or hey Alexa….”

I often think about what we are missing by being constantly linked to information. Some questions are not meant to be answered. I think part of life is wondering, believing, having faith or hope without knowing the answers.

I believe there’s a lot of false information out there on a lot of topics. When it comes to human health, I really believe it’s so simple and so basic and we tend to overcomplicate it.

We need:









We don’t need to know everything about every topic. Our brains don’t have the capacity to hold all the information that is at our fingertips.We don’t need to know of every catastrophe, and every bad thing that’s going on in the world. What good does it do? We end up stressing out about things that are truly out of our control. When we have the worlds information at our disposal it actually can have negative effects not only on ourselves but those around us as well.

Our devices affect us by making us think we can’t be without them. It’s as if they are now a part of us. It’s so sad to say. I have to mindfully tell myself to leave my phone on the counter that I don’t NEED to be available 24/7 or have it on me just in case. Phones have made it to where we no longer feel boredom. We don’t daydream or seek out conversations with strangers, The very thing that is meant to connect us, disconnects us from our natural environments.

People feel lonely, sad, stressed, anxious, unsettled, busy, under valued and non-essential.

Wouldn’t you think that being connected would make us feel none of that? That was one of the selling points of smartphones. Connecting to others.

Our families can easily become roommates that just pass each other silently, or only speak when something is needed. You don’t know what your siblings interests are but you know a random influencers bedtime routine and their favorite snack.

I don’t find that connection at all.

I believe we need to seek quiet. We need to seek boredom. The unknown. Our brains can do amazing things at rest.

Being connected to my family, my home, my friends and my community is what matters most. I love technology and it’s a great tool for many things, but when it comes to our health, I feel we need to put the phones away to connect authentically to each other as often as we can. Connect with ourselves by sitting in the quiet. Disconnect to connect.


Rooted in Life


Rooted in Consistency