Rooted in Summer

I officially have a Freshman & a Senior. I’m not quite sure how this has happened. I don’t age, but yet my kids are still growing. Summer vacation is here. I recently saw a Reel saying that we have 18 summers with our kids. The days seem long, and the years sure do fly right by. I go into this summer thinking about how we are on Summer 17 with Lilly, and Summer 14 with Easton. I think back to all the prior summers and I’m so grateful I have been able to spend each one with my kids. Being an in home daycare provider has been such a blessing in so many ways, and the greatest blessing is being able to be with my kids 365 days per year. I have been their biggest influence, cheerleader and disciplinarian.

Going thru the season of teenagers is not for the weak. There are so many more challenges. There is also joy if you take the time to focus on what your kids are doing right. Watching them become who they are meant to be is so rewarding. I don’t want my kids to be who I think they should be. I want them to become who they are destined to be. I will continue to shape them how I see fit hoping that they take just a piece of everything I teach them with them as they travel thru life.

Parenting teenagers becomes less hands on per se and more of watching and waiting. Watching them make choices. Waiting for them to text when they get to their destination. Watching them form relationships. Waiting for them to come home. Watching them become a young woman or young man. Waiting for them to notice you are in the same room with them. Watching their personalities blossom and seeing some of yourself in them.

I also find that parenting teenagers is about being available. Available to talk when they want to. Available to be a ride when needed. Available to help, hold, comfort, encourage, support, and reprimand. This month has been tough emotionally watching my kids spread their wings as they are growing and changing. Im so thankful for a supportive husband, and for the friends that can talk me thru the hard times. There is no way to parent without support. I have a hard time asking for help because I feel I should be able to do it on my own but parenting teens has taught me to reach out when needed. The amount of love and support I have is abundant, and I really am blessed with my tribe.

As I type this I’m watching Lilly float the pond with her friend, and listening to the lawn mower as Easton mows the neighbors lawn for his summer job. All is right in this moment, and I’m going to go bask in the sun feeling thankful for today. If the only thing I do in life is raise happy, healthy, successful children, then I have done exactly what I was born to do.


Real Dopamine


Rooted in Discomfort