Rooted in Discomfort

Life is a series of uncomfortable experiences. I would think we would get used to the feeling, but we don’t. Why is that? Is it because every time we get uncomfortable we actually grow? Growth is new, and that can be scary. I believe that each time we grow as a person it feels uncomfortable.

Each and every time I go thru something hard or uncharted I can feel horrible, tired, stressed, sad, mad, anxious….it’s like my body goes thru all emotions. This is when I will sit in quiet. No music, no phone, no distractions. Often I will go for a walk and just take in my surroundings. This is a way for me to sort thru my thoughts and focus on what my heart needs or feels. This wave of calm comes over me and I’m able to approach each uncomfortable situation with a clear head and open heart.

We tend to get in our own head about things, especially uncomfortable things. It’s important to remember it’s just a thought. Do your thoughts really represent the reality? Taking the time to acknowledge that maybe we are over thinking and over analyzing these uncomfortable situations because our brain seeks what’s familiar or “easier.” When we overthink things we make things bigger than what they are. Overthinking is usually the result when our nervous system is stuck in overdrive. It’s easy to stay here, but being aware of your body’s responses to stress can help manage all these erratic emotions, and bring you back to balance.

If your nervous system is in an active stress response do one of these to soothe your dysregulation:

-Go outside and stand barefoot on the earth

-Swim in the ocean, lake, pond, or river

-Sit up against a tree or take a walk in the forest

-Work in the dirt with your bare hands

I have had my fair share of discomfort and will continue to in this life. Each and every time I have come out in a far better situation. Sometimes it’s not what I envisioned or planned. In the moment it was/is hard, but it always turns out just the way it’s supposed to be in the end. Trust the process. Reach out to a friend, sit in quiet, eat healthy foods, move your body, or sleep on it. You can get through all the hard things, and it really makes all the good things in life even better.


Rooted in Summer


Rooted in Parenting